package Hoot.Runtime.Behaviors;
import java.util.*;
import Hoot.Runtime.Faces.Valued;
import Hoot.Runtime.Names.TypeName;
import static Hoot.Runtime.Names.Keyword.*;
import static Hoot.Runtime.Functions.Utils.*;
import static Hoot.Runtime.Names.TypeName.*;
import Hoot.Runtime.Faces.ConditionalValue;
import Hoot.Runtime.Faces.Logging;
* Hoot run-time class with registries.
* @author nik <nikboyd@sonic.net>
* @see "Copyright 2010,2021 Nikolas S Boyd."
* @see "Permission is granted to copy this work provided this copyright statement is retained in all copies."
public class HootRegistry implements Logging {
protected static final HashMap<Class<?>, Object> ValueRegistry = new HashMap<>();
public static void registerValue(Object instance) {
nullOr(item -> ValueRegistry.put(item.getClass(), item), instance); }
public static <T> T getValue(Class<?> aClass) { return (T)nullOr(c -> ValueRegistry.get(c), aClass); }
public static <T> T getRegistered(Class<?> aClass) { return (T)nullOr(c -> TypeRegistry.get(c), aClass); }
public static <T> T getRegistered(TypeName className) { return getRegistered(className.findClass()); }
protected static final HashMap<Class<?>, Typified> TypeRegistry = new HashMap<>();
public static Typified emptyType() { return Mirror.emptyMirror(); }
public static Typified getType(Class<?> aClass) { return emptyOr(aClass); }
public static boolean hasType(Class<?> aClass) { return !getType(aClass).isEmpty(); }
public static Typified emptyOr(Class<?> aClass) { return (hasNone(aClass)) ? emptyType() : emptyOrType(aClass); }
protected static Typified emptyOrType(Class<?> aClass) { return TypeRegistry.getOrDefault(aClass, emptyType()); }
public static Typified registerType(Typified type) {
if (hasNo(type)) return emptyType(); // vacuous --nik
if (hasType(type.primitiveClass())) return getType(type.primitiveClass());
Mirror m = Mirror.forClass(type.outerClass());
TypeRegistry.put(type.primitiveClass(), type);
if (!m.isEmpty()) {
TypeRegistry.put(type.outerClass(), m);
return type; }
public static Class<?> JavaRoot() { return JavaRoot; }
public static Class<?> RootClass() { return itemOr(JavaRoot, RootType().findClass()); }
public static TypeName ObjectType() { return TypeName.ObjectType(); }
public static TypeName RootType() { return TypeName.RootType(); }
public static TypeName ArrayType() { return TypeName.ArrayType(); }
public static TypeName BooleanType() { return TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Behaviors, Boolean); }
public static TypeName BehaviorType() { return TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Behaviors, Behavior); }
public static TypeName MetaclassType() { return TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Behaviors, MetaclassType); }
public static TypeName NilType() { return TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Behaviors, Nil); }
public static TypeName TrueType() { return TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Behaviors, True); }
public static TypeName FalseType() { return TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Behaviors, False); }
public static TypeName StringType() { return TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Collections, String); }
public static TypeName SymbolType() { return TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Collections, Symbol); }
public static TypeName CharacterType() { return TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Magnitudes, Character); }
public static TypeName IntegerType() { return TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Magnitudes, Integer); }
public static TypeName FixedType() { return TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Magnitudes, Fixed); }
public static TypeName FloatType() { return TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Magnitudes, Float); }
public static TypeName DoubleType() { return TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Magnitudes, Double); }
public static Valued Nil() { return getValue(NilType().findClass()); }
public static Valued True() { return getValue(TrueType().findClass()); }
public static Valued False() { return getValue(FalseType().findClass()); }
public static Valued nilValue() { return getValue(NilType().findClass()); }
public static ConditionalValue trueValue() { return getValue(TrueType().findClass()); }
public static ConditionalValue falseValue() { return getValue(FalseType().findClass()); }
public static ConditionalValue positFrom(boolean value) { return value? trueValue(): falseValue(); }
public static boolean isRunning() { return false; }
public static boolean isReady() { return false; }
static final TypeName[] LiteralTypes = {
NilType(), TrueType(), FalseType(), StringType(), SymbolType(),
CharacterType(), IntegerType(), FixedType(), FloatType(), DoubleType(),
static final TypeName[] CollectionTypes = {
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Collections, "Set"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Collections, "Bag"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Collections, "ByteArray"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Collections, "Dictionary"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Collections, "IdentityDictionary"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Collections, "IdentitySet"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Collections, "OrderedCollection"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Collections, "SortedCollection"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Collections, "Interval"),
static final TypeName[] MagnitudeTypes = {
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Magnitudes, "Time"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Magnitudes, "Fraction"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Magnitudes, "Association"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Magnitudes, "FastInteger"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Magnitudes, "LargeInteger"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Magnitudes, "LongInteger"),
static final TypeName[] ExceptionTypes = {
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Exceptions, "Exception"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Exceptions, "Error"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Exceptions, "ControlError"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Exceptions, "Warning"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Exceptions, "ArithmeticError"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Exceptions, "ZeroDivide"),
static final TypeName[] StreamTypes = {
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Streams, "Transcript"),
TypeName.fromCache(Hoot, Streams, "TextWriteStream"),
static {
} // HootRegistry