
* Copyright 2010,2021 Nikolas S Boyd.
Permission is granted to copy this work provided this copyright statement is retained in all copies.

package Hoot.Exceptions;

import Hoot.Runtime.Functions.*;
import Hoot.Runtime.Faces.*;
import Hoot.Runtime.Values.*;
import Hoot.Runtime.Blocks.*;
import Smalltalk.Core.*;
import Smalltalk.Blocks.*;
import Smalltalk.Magnitudes.*;
import Hoot.Behaviors.*;
import Hoot.Behaviors.Nil;
import Hoot.Behaviors.Object;
import Hoot.Behaviors.True;
import Hoot.Behaviors.False;
import Hoot.Behaviors.Boolean;
import Hoot.Magnitudes.*;
import Hoot.Magnitudes.Integer;
import Hoot.Magnitudes.Character;
import Hoot.Magnitudes.Float;
import Hoot.Magnitudes.Double;
import Hoot.Collections.*;
import Hoot.Collections.String;
import Hoot.Runtime.Behaviors.HootRegistry;
import Hoot.Runtime.Names.Primitive;
import Hoot.Runtime.Exceptions.*;
import Smalltalk.Core.Posit;
import Smalltalk.Core.Subject;
import Smalltalk.Exceptions.*;
import Smalltalk.Collections.ReadableString;

public class Exception extends Object implements ExceptionBuilder, SignaledException

  public static Metaclass type() { return (Metaclass)Metaclass.$class; }
  @Override public Metaclass $class() { return (Metaclass)Metaclass.$class; }
  public static class Metaclass extends Object.Metaclass implements ExceptionBuilder.Metatype, SignaledException.Metatype
    static final Exception.Metaclass $class = new Exception.Metaclass();
    public Metaclass() {

    public Metaclass(java.lang.Class aClass) {

    @Override public java.lang.Class outerClass() { return Exception.class; }

     * @return 
    public   ExceptionSet append(final ExceptionSelector.Metatype argument)
      java.lang.String exitID = "ExceptionMetatype>>append";
      Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
      return (ExceptionSet)(ExceptionSet.type().with(this).append(argument));

     * @return 
    @Override public   Boolean handles(final SignaledException exception)
      java.lang.String exitID = "ExceptionMetatype>>handles";
      Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
      return (Boolean)exception.$class().isKindOf(this);

     * @return 
    @Override public   Boolean isKindOf(final ExceptionDescription.Metatype superType)
      java.lang.String exitID = "ExceptionMetatype>>isKindOf";
      Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
      return (Boolean)Boolean.from(superType.getClass().isAssignableFrom(this.getClass()));

     * @return 
    @Override public   void handleWith_during(final MonadicValuable handler, final Closure aBlock)
      java.lang.String exitID = "ExceptionMetatype>>handleWith_during";
      Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
      ExceptionContext.during_handle(aBlock, ((Enclosure)handler).asHandlerOf(((HandledException.Metatype)this.type())));

     * @return 
    @Override public   Exception signal()
      java.lang.String exitID = "ExceptionMetatype>>signal";
      Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
      return (Exception)((Exception)this.$new()).signal();

     * @return 
    @Override public   Exception signal(final ReadableString message)
      java.lang.String exitID = "ExceptionMetatype>>signal";
      Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
      Exception prime = (Exception)this.$new();

      return prime.signal();

     * @return 
    public   Exception $new()
      java.lang.String exitID = "ExceptionMetatype>>$new";
      Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
      return (Exception)Primitive.newInstance(this.outerClass());

  protected Enclosure theHandler;
  protected String messageText = String.from("");
  protected String tag = String.from("");
    protected Exception replacementException;
    public Exception replacementException() { return this.replacementException; }
    public Object getReplacementException() { return (Object)this.replacementException; }

    public Exception replacementException(Exception value) { this.replacementException = value; return this; }
    public void setReplacementException(Object value) { this.replacementException = (Exception)value; }

  protected NiladicValuable resignalBlock;

   * @return 
  public   ExceptionSet append(final ExceptionSelector.Metatype argument)
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>append";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (ExceptionSet)(this.$class().append(argument));

   * @return 
  public   ExceptionContext environment()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>environment";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (ExceptionContext)ExceptionContext.environment();

   * @return 
  protected   Enclosure registeredHandler()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>registeredHandler";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Enclosure)this.environment().findHandler(this);

   * @return 
  protected   Enclosure activeHandler()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>activeHandler";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Enclosure)ExceptionContext.findHandler(this.valueType());

   * @return 
  public   Enclosure currentHandler()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>currentHandler";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Enclosure)theHandler;

   * @return 
  public   Enclosure currentHandler(final Enclosure handler)
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>currentHandler";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Enclosure)handler;

   * @return 
  public   Boolean isSignaled()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>isSignaled";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Boolean)Boolean.from(this.hasAny(this.currentHandler()));

   * @return 
  public   void exit(final Subject value)
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>exit";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    this.isResumable().ifTrue_ifFalse(Closure.with(f2 -> {
    }, ""), Closure.with(f2 -> {
    }, ""));

   * @return 
  @Override public   void resume()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>resume";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);

   * @return 
  @Override public   void resume(final Subject value)
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>resume";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    this.isResumable().ifFalse(Closure.with(f2 -> {
      ControlError.type().signal(String.from("Attempt to resume from a non-resumable exception"));
    }, ""));

   * @return 
  @Override public   void $return()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>$return";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);

   * @return 
  @Override public   void $return(final Subject value)
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>$return";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);

   * @return 
  public   String messageText()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>messageText";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (String)messageText;

   * @return 
  public   String messageText(final ReadableString aMessage)
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>messageText";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (String)messageText;

   * @return 
  public   String tag(final String aTag)
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>tag";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (String)tag;

   * @return 
  public   String tag()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>tag";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return f0.evaluate(() -> {
    tag.notEmpty().ifTrue(Closure.with(f2 -> {
      return (String)f0.exit(exitID, tag);
    }, ""));
    messageText.notEmpty().ifTrue(Closure.with(f2 -> {
      return (String)f0.exit(exitID, messageText);
    }, ""));
    return (String)f0.exit(exitID, String.from(""));

   * @return 
  protected   String defaultDescriptionString()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>defaultDescriptionString";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (String)this.$class().name();

   * @return 
  @Override public   String description()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>description";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (String)(Boolean.primitiveValue(this.messageText().notEmpty()) ? this.defaultDescriptionString() : this.messageText());

   * @return 
  protected   Subject activateHandler()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>activateHandler";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Subject)ExceptionContext.activateHandler(this);

   * @return 
  public   Exception defaultAction()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>defaultAction";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Exception)this;

   * @return 
  protected   Exception abandonAction()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>abandonAction";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    UnhandledException.type().raise(new UnresumableException());
    return (Exception)this;

   * @return 
  public   Subject handle()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>handle";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    Valued result = ExceptionContext.activateHandler(this);
    if (this.wasResignaled().primitiveBoolean()) {
      return this.replacementException().signal();
    if (!(this.isResumable().primitiveBoolean())) {
    return (Subject)result;

   * @return 
  public   Subject outer()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>outer";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Subject)this;

   * @return 
  @Override public   void pass()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>pass";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);

   * @return 
  protected   Boolean wasResignaled()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>wasResignaled";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Boolean)this.hasAny(replacementException);

   * @return 
  public   void resignalAs(final ExceptionDescription anException)
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>resignalAs";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);

   * @return 
  protected   NiladicValuable resignalContinuation()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>resignalContinuation";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (NiladicValuable)resignalBlock;

   * @return 
  protected   Exception resignalContinuation(final NiladicValuable aBlock)
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>resignalContinuation";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Exception)this;

   * @return 
  protected   Exception initializeResignal()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>initializeResignal";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return f0.evaluate(() -> {
    this.resignalContinuation(Closure.with(f2 -> {
      return (Exception)f0.exit(exitID, this.resignalContinuation());
    }, ""));
    return (Exception)this;

  public    Exception()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>Exception";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);

   * @return 
  public   void retry()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>retry";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);

   * @return 
  public   void retryUsing(final NiladicValuable aBlock)
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>retryUsing";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);

   * @return 
  public   Exception signal()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>signal";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return f0.evaluate(() -> {
    this.isSignaled().ifTrue(Closure.with(f2 -> {
      return (Exception)f0.exit(exitID, ControlError.type().signal(String.from("Signaling an already signaled exception")));
    }, ""));
    return (Exception)this;

   * @return 
  public   Exception signal(final ReadableString message)
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>signal";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    Exception prime = this;

    return prime.signal();

   * @return 
  protected   Boolean hasNo(final Valued item)
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>hasNo";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Boolean)Boolean.from(Utils.hasNo(item));

   * @return 
  protected   Boolean hasAny(final Valued item)
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>hasAny";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Boolean)Boolean.from(Utils.hasAny(item));

   * @return 
  protected   Boolean hasHandler()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>hasHandler";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Boolean)this.hasAny(this.registeredHandler());

   * @return 
  protected   Boolean isActive()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>isActive";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Boolean)this.isSignaled();

   * @return 
  protected   Boolean hasActiveHandler()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>hasActiveHandler";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    Enclosure handler = this.registeredHandler();
    return (Boolean)this.hasAny(handler);

   * @return 
  @Override public   Boolean isResumable()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>isResumable";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Boolean)False.literal();

   * @return 
  @Override public   Boolean isNested()
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>isNested";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Boolean)this.hasAny(ExceptionContext.findPriorHandler(this.valueType()));

   * @return 
  @Override public   Boolean isKindOf(final ExceptionDescription.Metatype superType)
    java.lang.String exitID = "Exception>>isKindOf";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    return (Boolean)this.$class().isKindOf(superType);