
* Copyright 2010,2021 Nikolas S Boyd.
Permission is granted to copy this work provided this copyright statement is retained in all copies.

package Hoot.Tests;

import Hoot.Runtime.Functions.*;
import Hoot.Runtime.Faces.*;
import Hoot.Runtime.Values.*;
import Hoot.Runtime.Blocks.*;
import Smalltalk.Core.*;
import Smalltalk.Blocks.*;
import Smalltalk.Magnitudes.*;
import Hoot.Behaviors.*;
import Hoot.Behaviors.Nil;
import Hoot.Behaviors.Object;
import Hoot.Behaviors.True;
import Hoot.Behaviors.False;
import Hoot.Behaviors.Boolean;
import Hoot.Magnitudes.*;
import Hoot.Magnitudes.Integer;
import Hoot.Magnitudes.Character;
import Hoot.Magnitudes.Float;
import Hoot.Magnitudes.Double;
import Hoot.Collections.*;
import Hoot.Collections.String;
import java.util.*;

public class HelloWorld extends TestableClosure

   * @return 
  public   HelloWorld printHello()
    java.lang.String exitID = "HelloWorld>>printHello";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    this.log().print(String.from("Hello World!"));
    return (HelloWorld)this;

   * @return 
  public   HelloWorld printWithArgs(final String joinedArgs)
    java.lang.String exitID = "HelloWorld>>printWithArgs";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    joinedArgs._isEmpty().ifFalse(Closure.with(f2 -> {
      this.log().print((String.from(" with ").append(joinedArgs)));
    }, ""));
    return (HelloWorld)this;

   * @return 
  @Override public   void runTest()
    java.lang.String exitID = "HelloWorld>>runTest";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);

   * @return 
  public   void runWithArgs(final List<String> args)
    java.lang.String exitID = "HelloWorld>>runWithArgs";
    Frame f0 = new Frame(exitID);
    String joinedArgs = String.join_with(args, String.from(" "));